The Edinburgh Wine Club

'The wine-cup is the little silver well, where truth, if truth there be, doth dwell.'
William Shakespeare

The Edinburgh Wine Club was established in February 2007. It is a small friendship group formed to learn about and enjoy wine in the convivial surroundings of each other's homes.

The club meets six times a year, with members taking it in turn to host the meeting in their house. The host chooses a wine theme for the evening, which might be based on a particular wine region, grape, or supplier, or any relevant theme they wish. At each meeting we vote for the best three wines: a best red, a best white and a best value wine.

The club also holds an annual lunch. In addition there may be special events, such as a dinner, tutored tastings, or visits to a wine region. Such special events may be opened up to a bigger group through inviting guests.

Members pay a small annual subscription. Tasting evenings are funded by each host.


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